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The FEED Logo

Written by R. Cliff Thompson and Brandyn Graves
Based on a story by Brandyn Graves.

Pandemic making you stir crazy? Log into THE FEED! Created by Freed-Hardeman University in Tennessee, THE FEED began in the winter of 2021 as a series of quirky Facebook posts created by co-author Brandyn Graves about a crockpot that mysteriously appeared in a college campus parking lot. Posted during the worst of the COVID lockdowns, the crockpot posts garnered thousands of views and responses. The on-stage version was crafted by students and faculty into a dark comedy that merges meme culture and eldritch horror. Doom scroll into a story about forces beyond our control.

Red Crockpot
Creeping Vine (Left)
History of The FEED

Nothing was normal in early February 2021. I was recovering from cancer surgery. The COVID pandemic had set everyone on edge. Personal relationships were tinged with a fear of contagion. Teaching and creating were often challenging. But there's never a fear of infection online!

Facebook became an oasis for virus-free interactions. Into that oasis came the strange photo of a crockpot left in the office parking lot that Brandyn and I share. I reposted a photo taken by our friend and colleague Loren Warf, asking a simple question: “Where did this crockpot come from?” A public service announcement, really. But then Brandyn got an idea…

I don't really have a good explanation. I don't post much on social media, but it was the third day in a row that this random crockpot was sitting in the grass right in front of where Cliff and I park, and I decided to write a melodramatic “journal entry” about its inexplicable presence. It made me chuckle. That's the main thing I have to emphasize: I was in it for the lulz.

If there is one thing I'm known for, it's my commitment to a bit. I continued to post these “crockpot entries” each day I worked from the office, and the responses ranged from deeply entertained to deeply confused, both of which fed my chaotic delight.

It got really juicy when I started noticing changes in the crockpot. A mystery person, someone who was keeping up with my posts, was directly influencing the story by making adjustments while I was away. From that point, it was simply a matter of managing the pacing of the narrative. I started thinking of “the Brandyn on Facebook” as a different person than the real me.

No one expected Brandyn's Facebook posts to become so popular. Students were talking about them in classes. Lots of good energy, which we sorely needed. Near the end of the school year, I approached Brandyn with a crazy idea. “What if we turn your posts into a play?” Brandyn and I enjoyed rich, creative success with two earlier collaborations. What if we collaborated with a cast of student performers, creating a devised piece based on the posts? He agreed.

Honestly, what sold me on Cliff's idea of adapting these needlessly obsessive Facebook posts was the idea that “Facebook Brandyn”, after his pathetic insistence that the crockpot “wasn't actually a big deal” to him, would then turn around and create an actual, full-length play about them! This made me laugh. It was the same mischievous chuckle that fueled the original posts, so I knew the idea must be on brand.

Starting in August of 2021, we assembled a group of students who served as co-creators. They helped to flesh out the side characters. They injected their generation's sensibilities about social media into the work. They helped ground the internet culture elements. The September 2021 performance served as “proof of concept.” Audience response proved that we had something that would work. Drawing on copious notes, and with the Fringe Festival in our sites, Brandyn and I began a time-consuming and exciting rewriting process. Hours of meeting and dozens of revisions later, we had a script ready for auditions in the fall of 2022.

Finding the company for this story was a challenging, but deeply rewarding, task. Some of the company members were witness to and, at times, directly involved in the original events. There are even characters in the show named after a few of them. However, it was important to all of us that the actors felt empowered to recreate these characters and to embody them as new entities, rather than caricatures of themselves and people they know.

Though the themes of the play Cliff and I developed are broader and more universal than those of my initial role-played story, seeing my Facebook posts embodied on stage, with some of the exact language that I used on Facebook years ago, has never stopped feeling surreal.

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Tickets for The FEED

Tickets: £5
Runtime: 90 MINUTES

Venue 45 | Edinburgh Fringe Festival

The Crockpot wiht smoke background

Many thanks to our generous sponsors:

GOLD SPONSORS: Bessos Coffee, Inc., Tom and Caley Bloodworth, Terry and Regina Crews, Jud and LeAnn Davis, Jordan and Akacyea Deck, Joe and Kay Delay, Danny and Jennifer Ellis, Steve and Nicole Estes, Derek and Emily Graham, Gryphon Remodeling and Repairs, Tommy and Tish Gumm, Henderson Arts Commission, Jeff Jenkins, Gary and Michelle Massey, Richard and Diana Powell, David and Tracie Shannon, R Cliff and Sherry Thompson, Joe and Glenda Wiley, Ted and Sharon Williams

SILVER SPONSORS: Alliance Design Co., The Bramblett Group, John and Adrienne Law, Joel and Tansey Matheny, Teague-Noles 45 AutoMart

About FHU

The mission of Freed-Hardeman University is to help students develop their God-given talents for His glory by empowering them with an education that integrates Christian faith, scholarship and service. With locations in Henderson and Memphis, Tennessee. FHU offers associates, bachelor's, master's specialist and doctoral degrees. For more information about Freed-Hardeman University, visit